Wednesday 28 September 2011

Tom Price

This was a quick one night stop in Tom Price.  We came to visit the BHP Billiton Iron Ore Mine.  The kids could not wait.  They were hoping to see some very big machinery working.  Well really so was I.  These big toys fascinate me.

The town itself was very neat and well resourced with a major supermarket. 2 primary schools and a high school.  They also had a Olympic swimming pool and many many different sporting fields.  It really was a well catered for town and families are certainly moving in to become the locals and not just single men.  The town is known as the Top Town.  In short it is the highest town in WA.  Mount Nameless is the tallest mountain in the state also which the town sits at the base of.
Mt Nameless

The tour guide was excellent on our mine tour.  He was very passionate about his town and gave us plenty of extra information.  We saw many parts of the mine but when we went to visit the pit unfortunately it was not one of the working areas on the day so we did not get to see any of the big equipment in action.

Water tanker

Mt Tom Price Pit

The boys in action trying to make their own pit.

Kid in front of an out of service face shovel.

Water Tanker in action.

The workshop was full of big equipment so the kids got to see lots of different types of machines.  Also the crushing plant was working so we saw lots of this in action.

Gear in the workshop.
Dump trucks fuelling up
Iron Ore Stock piles

Settling pond.

Bucket wheel loader

Iron Ore ready for the trains.

Train loading facility.

It was indeed a very big project and you can see how much money goes into these places to make them become profitable.

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