Wednesday 21 September 2011

Port Smith

We did a quick 2 night stop over at Port Smith.  We arrived late afternoon so not much time to go and see anything.  It didn't take us long to realise that not only were we camping on our site but also 1000's of midges /sand flies.  The kids and I got a few bites, but poor Nigel look like he had been under attack.  They were just everywhere.  He was scratching for days.

The next morning we got up early and head to the lagoon while the tide was out.  We wandered over the sand bars and enjoyed shelling and looking at all the interesting animals and birds.  So of the shells we found were very pretty. 

The only people around.

Look at the great patterns the receding waters make.

After our walk we head to Barn Hill to check out the place.   Dennis and Marion were there also so we thought we would say hello.  We end up having a lovely day at Barn Hill and should have stayed there.  The big grassed area and the excellent swimming beach were so more inviting than the lagoon.
A green tree frog the boys found in the toilet area.

Nice day in the end and that is what it is all about.  Heading for Eighty Mile Beach.  Suppose to be very pretty.

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