Tuesday 24 May 2011

Town of Seventeen Seventy - Agnes Water - Discovery Coast

We decided to visit this area because it was the first landing place of Captain Cook.  We felt it would be a good point of interest for the kids to learn about.  When we arrived they were celebrating the Captain Cook 1770 Festival as our visit to the area coincided with his landing some 241 years earlier.  This was a bonus as we were able to look around a market and see fabulous fireworks.  The kids really enjoyed this.

Firework put on for us on our arrival.  We felt so important!

We toured the area the next day taking in the lookout at Agnes Waters and then drove to the monument for Captain Cooks landing.  The kids then walked on the same stretch of beach the Captain Cook land.  We finished our tour of the area at the Round Hill lookout walk and watch the sunset with many other tourists.  It was a lovely setting and a perfect way to finish the day off.
Agnes Water Lookout

View from Agnes Water's lookout

River at Town of 1770
Captain Cook Monument on his land site

Where Captain Cook stepped ashore

Walk to Round Hill Lookout - Town of 1770
The next day was a little drizzly so we ventured only a short distance from the park.  We took the 1km walk through the semi rain forest to the beach behind our caravan park.  The beach was empty and the sand dunes had been cut into by rough seas.  Austin spent the whole time doing leaps and sliding down them and having an absolute ball.  The walk back was all up hill so I made it a little bit of a race to see who got back first only to have Austin pip me at the post.  Kaleb biting at my heals and Jordan tripping over a rock and tumbling.  Just not the way to finish a nice walk/run back from the beach.


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