Wednesday 24 August 2011


Darwin here we come.   Trying to get going but unable to move, unfortunately a pair of middle aged Italian backpackers had decided to park overnight in our driveway and we were stuck.   Bloody backpackers.  Annoying sort they are.  While we were waiting we got chatting with a lovely couple from Melbourne.   Finally the backpackers arrived back and I asked for them to move the car politely.  And in his own Italian way he basically told me to go away and that he would move when he had finished packing up his swag.  So we checked the lights and disconnect the power only to turn around and see him sauntering off to the shower.  As typical my temper flared....and I gave his some true Australian hospitality.  He quickly jumped back in his car and reversed out of our way.....bloody cheek of them.  We left with just enough time to get us to Adelaide River and the Jumping Crocs.  But with one too many toilet stops we reached the river crossing and watched the cruise boat just leaving the jetty.  Bugger bugger bugger.  Bloody Italian BACKPACKERS and toilet stop!!!!

Arrived into Darwin and set-up quickly and headed for the pool.  Wow it was amazing and the water was just perfect.  Kaleb finally got the confidence to take off his floaties and made the most of the gradually lead into the deep water.  He was really great.  While in the pool, Luke the singer from Daly Waters turned up with his three girls Tilly, Skye and Faith.  We got chatting and decided to meet up for tea at the restaurant and participate in the trivia night.

It was a great snitzel night and we all had a heap of fun.  We really did well at the trivia night winning 3 out of the 4 prizes.  The prizes were a 1/2 day fishing charter for one, Crocosaurus Cove free entry for 2 adults and a movie pass.  Not bad for a little bit of fun and entertainment.  We had a great night and the O'Shea family were really good at trivia.

Made the most of the pool at the caravan park the next day and spent most of our time splashing around in the water.  We also headed to the Mindil Markets.  We wandered around the stalls looking at everything.  Austin even participated in the whip cracking and was able to crack a whip several times.  He is so talented at it we think we need to get him one before we get home.  We also watched the Didjeridoo player and the fire performer.  They were both amazing and we loved watching them.  The art work on display was also really good and I would have loved to buy some.  Not this time though.   We also saw the sunset at Mindil Beach.  We enjoyed it with hundreds of others.
Sunset on the Mindil Beach

 Street Performers

Yum Yum!

 Austin cracking a whip.  What a little champ he is.
Our fire performer.  He was great to watch.

Spent time at the Leanyer Water Park.  It is amazing the great facilities these places have and they are all free to the public.  Victoria are you listening......THEY ARE FREE!  The kids and Nigel had a ball on the water slides and playing in the pool and the kids got a real kick out of the water park.  We will be visiting again.  It was so much fun.


This little girl was so cute it took her 57seconds to complete
the barrel circuit.  The winner did it in 17.85seconds.
That evening we headed for the first day of Darwin's Rodeo.  We had never been to one and felt it was a good time to go.  We had some real fun here watching all the different events but the clowns trying to get away for the bulls really amused the kids.  Also attending the Rodeo was the reigning Miss Rodeo Australia and Canada.  Miss Rodeo Australia was very tall and towered over Miss Rodeo Canada.  We really had a great night.

The bull was determined to get his clown!
The Rodeo Misses!
 Nigel went on his first fishing tour.  He had never been on one before.  He and Luke went together and enjoyed the 5 hours fishing.  They even had a few tall stories to tell us about their fishing adventures.  Unfortunately neither of them bought home a fish.  Now that's not heard of.  Even the 7 year old boy on board caught something.  The kids and I and the O'Shea's spent the afternoon at Leanyer Water Park.  Lots of fun again had by all.  We picked up our dejected fishermen then headed into central Darwin for a walk around the waterfront and a quick bite to eat.

The fish he didn't catch!

Even the birds had better luck than Nigel.
Luke and Nigel putting on brave faces after their total
failure as fishermen.

On one of our last days in Darwin we caught up with Marni, Jamie, Jack and Jypsy.  Marni's parents Sue and Brian were also there.  We had a lovely lunch, a great catch up and then a longer talk into the night, finally getting out of their hair around 11pm.  My how the kids loved the space of the house.  It's a pleasant change from the four walls of the caravan.  Thanks again Marni and Jamie you were most gracious hosts.  During our chats we even found out that Sue and Brian knew Grandma Chissy and Jenny Burley.   It really is a small place Geelong.  We all seem to be connected in one way or another.

We visited the cinema also while here and watched Mr Poppin's Penguins.  It was a very cute movie.  We all really enjoyed it.  We then spent our afternoon at Crocosaurus Cove.  We saw some amazingly huge crocodiles being fed and even had the opportunity to feel some juvenile crocodiles ourself.  They kids really enjoyed this.  While touring the venue we were able to hold a crocodile named Fluffy, a stimson's python, a bearded dragon and a blue tongue lizard.  It was a great afternoon.  I particularly liked the frill neck lizard.  It did not like us very much.

It was a great stay in Darwin.  We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  Kaleb was extremely proud of himself and his swimming has improved greatly.  The pool at the park was perfect for his confidence.  Off to Litchfield National Park next.  Can't wait to see the amazing waterholes and waterfalls.

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