Friday, 15 April 2011

Port Macquarie

During our quick stay at Port Macquarie we visited Ricardoes Tomatoes & Strawberries.  We had morning tea.  Fresh strawberrie jam, scones and delicious fresh strawberry shakes and hot coffees for Nigel and myself.  That's one thing I miss alot is coffee with the girls.  It  just not the same with a man.  They do not understand small talk and our lovely treat we went on a tour of the tomatoe and strawberry farm and found out some interesting tips.  Carolyn these are for you...I know how your tomatoes faired last year so these tips might help.  Firstly you have to shock you tomatoes into think they are going to die.  So if they have more than twelve leave branches from the base.  Pull them off and the tomatoe goes into survival mode which means it will bear more fruit.  Smart little tomatoes.  The other is if you are having problems with afids and little pesky bugs use a diluted water & detergent mix.  Sunlight is the brand they say is the only one you use and is readily available in supermarkets.  1 part to 10.  Good luck tomoatoe lovers I know your crops will be great next year.  Don't forget we will be broke and in need of a feed so fresh tomatoes would be great......LOL.  After the tomatoes we head for the strawberry farm and even had a chance to pick our own.  2.5kgs later we finally took off for our next adventure. 

Off to Timbertown.  A replica village of the 1800's revolving around the wood industry.  The Bullock display was excellent and the bullock driver was a real character.  He was such a typical bushy and someone you could image driving the bullock teams back in those days.  Austin got to ride on large a draught horse.  He was very high off the ground but he loved every moment of it.  Jordan tried to crack a whip and came very close and Kaleb was branded with a cattle iron, with the letter D.  Can anyone guess what it stands for?  It was an interesting tour and we learnt a few new things about the Port Macquarie region. 

The following day we took it easy around the caravan park.  Nigel had noticed a backpacker cutting her partners hair the day before hand and in passing wondered if she would cut his.  So while in the showers I ran into the French backpacker and asked her if she would like to make some money and cut Nigel's hair.  She was more than happy to do it so I ran back and told Nigel.  And as you could imagine.  Nigel loved his French hairdresser.  He even said that he thought she did a great job with his hair.  And as Carmen can attest to this... his hair is very difficult to cut.  Nigel's French encounter will be one to remember.

Off to Nambucca Heads next.

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